Tag: makeup

80s Costume Hair and Makeup

80s Costume Hair and Makeup

The 1980s called and they definitely want me to keep crimping my hair, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. Keep reading to check out all the goodies I used to pull off this fun 80s hair and makeup look.

Weekly Roundup: Drugstore Favorites

Weekly Roundup: Drugstore Favorites

Weekly Roundup: Drugstore Favorites. I’m going over my go-to items that are all under $20. Next time you run into Target or pick up your prescription stop by the makeup aisle for some of these budget friendly products!

Weekly Roundup 4: Kiehl’s, Fresh, Bumble & Bumble, and Egyptian Magic

Weekly Roundup 4: Kiehl’s, Fresh, Bumble & Bumble, and Egyptian Magic

I started wearing Fresh “Sugar Lychee” in 2017 when I read the scent description online. I didn’t even smell it in person which is usually pretty risky when it comes to picking a new perfume but as soon as it arrived I immediately loved how sweet and tangy it smelled. So, this past Christmas I decided to add a couple more Fresh scents to my collection. I like to layer one or two of them at a time to build a more complex fragrance but they are great on their own. My favorite combo is the signature Brown Sugar scent as a base on my wrists and neck with a half spray of the Grapefruit on top. On its own I find the grapefruit to be a bit too sweet smelling so the combination of the two works really nicely.

I would definitely recommend any of these scents if you like sweet, fruity and clean smelling fragrances! Plus they are made with natural ingredients  which is an added bonus if you are trying to get into “clean beauty”.

2. Next up is the Bumble and Bumble Prêt à Powder… $28

This dry shampoo is a total hair life saver. As someone with long hair that takes forever to dry, I typically only wash my hair once a week. After about three days my hair starts to get greasy at my scalp so I’m a big fan of dry shampoo. I love the Living Proof spray aerosol dry shampoo but always keep one of these bumble and bumble powdered dry shampoos on me, especially when traveling.

This product is a two in one so it soaks up excess oil and adds volume to your roots. My biggest tip would be to shake a generous amount into your hair AT NIGHT. That way when you’re sleeping the natural tossing and turning will work most of it into your hair and you won’t add any more oils with your fingers. If you have to apply in the morning use a brush to work it back and forth and make sure to brush it thoroughly so you aren’t left with a white hairline or grayish looking tone.

This shakes out in a chalky white powder so you really have to work it in! Apply at night to wake up with clean looking hair and volumized roots.

3. Egyptian Magic … $15-30

I think I’m kinda late jumping on this product’s band wagon. I know a lot of ladies who swear by this all purpose salve/balm. It’s made from 100% natural ingredients and is suitable for people with sensitive skin (me).

I started off trying to lather this all over my arms and legs after a shower but I think I got ahead of myself. It is a very thick balm that needs to be warmed up in your hands and really blended in to work. It took a while to soak in and the next morning my arms were so smooth. I have keratosis pilaris on the backs of my arms so I’m always trying to find something to help smooth them.

For daily use, I slather this on my lips and cuticles before bed and on the back of my hands. A little goes a long ways and it’s a great price so I would definitely recommend getting a tub. Also if you shop at Costco I saw a huge pack for sale if you want to share with a friend, or family of five.

Like I’ve said before I have pretty sensitive skin so I am weary of trying new products, especially on my face. The sales representative at the Kiehl’s counter assured me this soothing mask would be great to add to my weekly routine and would also help inflammation or redness when I do have a bad reaction.

The product is like a gel and smells so good. It feels like you are in a spa the second you slather this over your face. It leaves my skin feeling super hydrated and calm.

Weekly Roundup 3: Kaja,Charlotte Tilbury, Milk and Stila

Weekly Roundup 3: Kaja,Charlotte Tilbury, Milk and Stila

This week I tried out a celebrity favorite for getting sculpted cheeks and a Korean beauty favorite among some other goodies. Take a look to see my thoughts.

Weekly Roundup: Milk Makeup, Estée Lauder & Glossier

Weekly Roundup: Milk Makeup, Estée Lauder & Glossier

This week I’m going over three great products. A setting powder, concealer, and a super long lasting lip liner!

Weekly Roundup: MoroccanOil, Pat McGrath Labs and Laneige

Weekly Roundup: MoroccanOil, Pat McGrath Labs and Laneige

It’s about time I get back to working on With Wildflowers at a more consistent pace and I figured there’s no better way to start than to go over a few new products I’ve been trying every week. Introducing my “weekly roundup” of beauty goods where I’ll be going over the good the bad and the pretty of what I’ve been using. From skincare to lipsticks, to new hair products I’ll be sharing it all!


This week I tried out a couple of Pat McGrath lipsticks, a body oil spray by MoroccanOil and a pretty popular lip sleeping mask by Laneige. Keep reading to see my thoughts.


First up… the Laneige Dream and Glow Lip Sleeping Mask.

For $20 you get a small pot of this thick and gooey mask and a little silicone applicator. My first impression was that the packaging and branding is super cute and the product smells great. I dug the little pink wand into the pot and noticed how thick and sticky the mask is. I used a tiny scoop and smoothed it all over my lips before bed and waited till morning.

My lips were definitely smoother the next morning and I didn’t wake up with any dry or cracking lips in the night like I do with some chapsticks that I have to re apply. During the next day I also noticed my lips stayed more hydrated.


I had my boyfriend try it out with me the next day instead of his usual Vaseline he puts on his lips before bed and the next morning he was happy with how soft his lips felt and said it was a bit better than the Vaseline.

Consensus… I’m into it! I would definitely recommend to use at night during these dry months and also use a little less in the morning when doing makeup to prep my lips for long lasting moisture.


Next up… the Pat McGrath Labs lipsticks. $38 each.

I won’t lie, the dramatic packaging and instagram videos of these sold me. How cool are the sleek tubes with the pouty gold lips? I got Flesh Fatale (the shiny BlitzTrance one) and She’s Heaven ( their LuxeTrance finish). Both colors are a little darker than I expected but great for a more bold lip. They are both hydrating and go on nicely. They don’t have great staying power but with a fun tube like that you want to bust it out to reapply anyway.

Consensus … I wouldn’t get these shades again and probably wouldn’t recommend the sparkly one unless you love a glittery lip. They look great on my vanity but they aren’t my favorite of the week.


Lastly… MoroccanOil Dry Body Oil $48 for the large bottle.

I have been obsessed with the smell of MoroccanOil since I first got some of the gold goo in middle school. I started using it on the ends of my hair after a day of swimming in the summer and have kept it as part of my hair care routine ever since. It smells amazing and offers great shine and moisture so I was really excited to see an oil to use all over my body.

The bottle is really pretty and I love that it has a misting top. You don’t have to open any glass bottles with slippery hands, just pop the cap off and spritz all over yourself when you towel off from the shower. I was so happy that it has the same signature smell and was pleasantly surprised at how fine the spray was. I was able to coat and hydrate my body really quickly without feeling sticky or having to wait long for it to dry.

Consensus … I like it! Definitely excited for this to be part of my new post shower routine and would definitely recommend if you like using oils!

I think my winner this week has to be the lip mask… stay tuned for next week!

My Picks for the Sephora VIB Sale 

My Picks for the Sephora VIB Sale 

There are few things more dangerous to a makeup hoarder and shopping addict like myself than the annual Sephora Sale. Right in time to start early Christmas shopping, VIB and VIB Rogue members get to knock an extra 20% off their makeup wishlist and stock up on their favorite beauty buys. Check out my top picks in this post. The sale runs until Wednesday 11/15 so don’t miss out!

Tarte Cosmetics 1-Day Sale Must Haves

Tarte Cosmetics 1-Day Sale Must Haves

Check out my top picks to get at the Tarte Cosmetics 1-day sale! Hurry over, it only last another 12 hours!

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes

When I looked up how often you are supposed to clean your makeup brushes, I gasped. Some dermatologists recommend daily cleaning, and others say at least once a week. Me? I haven’t washed them in probably 4 months, and this weekend I finally needed to clean them.

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I know it is gross that I barely wash my brushes, but I have a few different sets and rotate them out and I kind of like when they have some makeup residue on them because I feel like it helps blend my makeup better and the brushes are sort of primed. Nonetheless, they were starting to get to the point where I could do my eye makeup with the leftover eyeshadow and I was ready to wash my collection.

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Since I wash my brushes so infrequently, I wanted to know I was doing it the best way possible.  I have tried a few Pinterest concoctions ranging from vinegar and soap to different oils, but felt like I wasn’t getting the best results. The Dawn Dish Soap mixed with olive oil and white vinegar worked well to clean them, but left my brushes smelling really gross. Then the recipes that call for mostly oil left them sticky and needing another wash. So I figured I would ask what all the wonderful bloggers and beauty gurus I follow on Instagram do. I was thankful for all the suggestions and interested in learning everyone’s go-to brush cleaning methods.


I got a few recommendations to try Sephora’s brush cleaning spray as well as Clinique’s brush wash. I definitely want to pick one of them up on my next trip to the black hole that is Sephora, but in the meantime I tried out another frequently suggested method; Shampoo. I loved suggestions with tea-tree oil and other ingredients, but when so many ladies suggested using their favorite shampoo to clean their brushes I went with that since I had a few options to choose from in my shower.

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I chose this Shampoo that I get at Costco because it is sulfate-free and really gentle on my hair so I figured it would be the same on my brushes, plus it smells amazing as in inexpensive compared to my nicer Wella shampoo. For the ladies looking for a vegan option, this Kirkland shampoo is 100% vegan!  I was also suggested to use Monat shampoo that is all natural and vegan, but I am sure anything from Whole Foods would fit the bill.

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I also decided to do a little bit of Olive Oil to merge my pinterest experiences but next time think I will stick to just shampoo.

What I Used:

  • Favorite Shampoo (Sulfate-free)
  • Olive Oil
  • Warm Water
  • Tupperware
  • Paper Towel
  • Towel


What I did:

  1. Start by drizzling Olive Oil and Shampoo into the bottom of a tupperware container.
  2. Fill the container with warm water and create lots of suds.
  3. Submerge brushes into soapy mixture and swirl the brush along the side of the bin to help work out the makeup.
  4. Let brushes soak in the mixture.
  5. Pour out dirty water and add more shampoo into the bin over the brushes then fill with more warm water.
  6. Let sit again. I ended up running errands that took longer than expected so they probably soaked for 40 minutes but when I came back all the remaining makup had settled on the bottom and the brushes were so soft and clean.
  7. I rinsed them off and reshaped the with a paper towel to get the excess water off.
  8. Place them on a super absorbent towel so that each brush head has room.
  9. After an hour or two, flip the brushes so the other side can dry and place them in the opposite direction so it is on a dry spot of the towel.
  10. Wait till they are all dry and your brushes are good to go!

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All nice and clean!