Custom Fitted Levi’s

Custom Fitted Levi’s

A few weeks ago at work, the Jean Genie came in to Novella Royale with mounds of vintage Levi’s. I was counting inventory in the back and poked my head out to see more denim than you could imagine. A few ladies sorted through the stacks and tried on jeans looking for the right ones.

Having bought my first pair of Wedgie Levi’s over Christmas and adding a couple pairs of 501’s before the New Year (and my resolution) started, I was quickly getting into the growing Levi’s trend but hadn’t found my perfect fit. I liked the high waist of the Wedgie jeans, the slim fit of the 501s and had been eyeing a pair of black ones to add to the mix. Still, while I loved the way they looked I didn’t find any of them to fit me all that well. I was intrigued watching Cassidy safety pin and quick hem denim for the other ladies and then my boss asked if I was going to try some on.


Being the beginning of March, I still had a couple weeks to go before making my one purchase of the month without being impulsive, but when the opportunity to get custom fitted jeans presents itself, you kind of have to take it.

I started by trying on close to 15 pairs of jeans. Which, let me tell you is a pretty serious workout when you’re trying to find your perfect pair and get back to work in a timely fashion. (Picture me losing my socks, my face getting red and doing that shimmy walk we’ve all had to do to get a really tight pair of jeans on).

About 8 pairs in, I came out of the dressing room with a light wash pair of 501s that I had to lay down on my back to get zipped up. They were TIGHT. But, everyone thought those were the winners. I finished trying on my pile of denim before agreeing they were the ones. I loved the light wash and that they were perfectly distressed and worn without having any holes in them or rips in the knees.

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Once I decided, Cassidy had me put them on inside out so she could fit them to my legs with safety pins and mark them for my custom fit. With pins up the side of one leg, she told me to take them off for a quick hem. In a few minutes I was on my way to the perfect pair of jeans. I tried them on again and realized they were too tight to get my feet through comfortably so she made a note to loosen the area with her permanent alterations and to keep the original hem. With my requests written down she told me I could expect them back in a couple weeks. It was so easy!


When they came in I was surprised at how great they really did fit. I mean it makes sense, she stitched them according to the curves in my legs and obviously knows what she is doing, but still they were surprisingly perfect. The two other girls I was with tried their jeans on too and all of us were so impressed with our new denim. I still had to suck it in to get them on but they loosened up just enough after a couple days of wearing them. I finally have the perfect jeans!

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A handful of friends and people on my page asked about where I got them and what it was like, so I have Cassidy’s Instagram below. Plus it was so affordable! The denim, alterations and keeping the original hem came out to way less than $150 dollars which is the average price for a new pair of jeans that may or may not even fit you how you want.

Check out her Instagram and follow along to see where she is headed next or DM her for setting up an appointment.


1 thought on “Custom Fitted Levi’s”

  • Wow! I’ve never had any clothes tailored but it sounds worth it for a perfect pair of jeans! Thanks for sharing your experience, I’m definitely considering trying it sometime!

    Beatrice | The Bliss Bean

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