8 Things I Wanted This January…And The One I Got

8 Things I Wanted This January…And The One I Got

New year, new rules. This year I am saying goodbye to good buys and can only get one thing a month. So each month I’ll be rounding up my favorite things and narrowing it down to the one thing I can’t resist. Take a look at my January picks and see the one thing I couldn’t resist.

This year for my New Year’s resolution I decided to really buckle down on excess spending and try to use all of the unopened beauty products I’ve acquired, cut the tags off the new clothing I haven’t worn and make an effort to save more and enjoy the things I already have instead of looking for something new.

So, this is what I came up with. I can only buy one thing a month until December. Also, I can’t buy any makeup! The one exception is that I can still buy from Novella Royale, the amazing brand I work for because it’s basically my uniform and I gotta be cute and up to season at work. Also I have to say I definitely stocked up on stuff for Christmas so I have a lot of things I plan to try and have enough new and unopened cosmetic products to get me through the year.

Instead of impulsively buying things that I want at first glance, I have started taking screen shots of everything and I waited till the end of the month to make my decision. This was pretty difficult for the first couple weeks with all of the New Year, end of the holiday sales going on, but something I did that helped was unsubscribe from all the shops I get emails from. If I didn’t know about the sales, I couldn’t be tempted. So goodbye Lucky Brand and their amazing 50% off sales, bye Gilt and Tradesy, no more Free People emailers, none of it.

With all of that said, here’s my round up of things that caught my eye this month and the one thing I decided to add to my 2018 purchases.

1. This was hard for me to pass up considering Tom Petty was one of my favorite artists and I’ve been pretty bummed since he passed and the final report came out about his death. However, once I got to the end of the month I couldn’t find it on Ascot and Hart’s site anymore so I couldn’t get it.


2. Another pick was this t shirt from Dazey LA. I love their graphic t shirts and the company, but since I still have some awesome tees I haven’t worn yet I passed this one up for January.


3. This black polka dot top from Free People was hard to pass up. I’m drawn to polka dots and this style of a top but that’s ultimately why I couldn’t get it — I have two that are close to it already.


4. This wrap top from XIX Palms is another polka dot top that I love. I have it in green and wore it for Christmas and loved it so i immediately wanted it in another color. This is something I’m working on because I should just wear the same top more instead of getting another one. Still, the neutral color is so great and the wrap style can be worn a few different ways so it was in the running.


5. These tall red boots were another thing Free People made me take a double take with. I love the vibrant color and the high knee but then I saw they are “slouchy” fit which I’m not a huge fan of.


6. When I got my hair trimmed and noticed the super cute and flattering jeans my stylist was wearing I was too tempted not to ask where they were from. If seeing them on her wasn’t enough of a sell, she said that a few other girls have gotten them since seeing her in them and that everyone loves them. I loved the high waist, button fly and the fun cropped flare style. Plus, you can wear jeans all the time but they’re jeans and I already have a lot of denim.


7. I’m such a sucker for a good plain white t shirt and I love the tiny detail of this LNA shirt with the sunbather on the chest. But do I really another white t shirt?


8. This backpack came up on Instagram and I loved the simple style and that it holds a laptop, or I’m my case several planners and an iPad. I have a hard time finding a bag that I stick with for more than a month or two of shlepping things to work.


So what did I pick? Drumroll…….

the Madewell jeans.

The verdict?

They are so comfortable! I love the stretch that the denim has and the high rise fit. The crop is a little more awkward than it looks on the model and my hairdresser but I think once I wear them more and pair them with cute ankle boots they will be perfect.

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