3 Ways to Wear Flannel This Fall 

3 Ways to Wear Flannel This Fall 

I’d say a flannel shirt as much of a Fall staple as pumpkin flavored everything, so wearing it during the Autumn months isn’t anything new. (I know it’s kinda like “florals for spring…groundbreaking”). 

But I like to add a little bit of flare when I’m wearing flannels to change up this Fall wardrobe classic, and the first way I like to do it is by wearing my flannels as a belt. 

1. Wear your favorite flannel as a belt with a dress. 

I like to do this for a few reasons. The first is that it is really flattering. You can tie it as tight as you want to cinch your waist and the fact that it covers your hips gives you a slimming effect and hourglass shape because it’s breaking up your body. You can use a darker color with a light colored dressed for a more dramatic approach or mix similar colors and different patterns to add some personality. 

The second and more practical reason is that when it gets cold you can take it off and actually wear it for what it’s meant. If I do this I leave the first couple and last couple buttons open and tie the bottom tight to keep with the waist cinching effect. 

2. Wear flannels with patterns. 

This is kind of dovetailing on my last point, but it adds a bunch of personality to any style when you layer patterns and textures. You don’t want your patterns to clash too much, so keep that in mind but other than that I love to wear a checker flannel with stripes, a solid plaid panel one with a fun paisley patterned dress like above and you can also add some color to your outfit of the day. I like getting flannels in unlikely colors, so instead of the classic red flannel I go for a pink one that I can wear with green or black for a fun contrast. 

3. Wear flannels to work. 

Given that flannels are predominantly button down, it gives it a bit of sophistication mixed in with comfort. I think you can definitely dress a flannel shirt up if you have a more fitted size. Tuck it in to black trousers or a pencil skirt to bring some Fall flare to your office job while still keeping with the dress code. 

I am also loving flannel dresses lately. I got this one at Old Navy and it is so soft and comfortable and the pattern looks and feels just like a Rails flannel for a fraction of the price. This dress belted with a simple thin belt and some over the knee boots is something I can’t wait to wear as soon as this heatwave blows over. Shop this and other colors here

Shop some of my favorite flannels below! 

These two from J Crew one can be found here and here

This one is great to wear to work because of the material and I love the bright navy color. 

I love the way the pattern lines up on here with the pocket…and you can have it for less than $25! Shop it here

Happy Fall!! 
Set design and photography by Jenny Tedori 

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