Free People Finds

Free People Finds

I always have, and always will, love Free People. I used to keep their catalogs in middle school and post the editorials on my wall and when South Cost Plaza finally got a store I was so happy to see their goods in person. They have great original and exclusive finds and also carry great brands.

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Thank you wind for the perfect gust to show off the fabric and shape of this fun dress.

Their clothing has always been a staple in my wardrobe and part of my style and I find that year after year I can keep wearing things I have had for a long time and they look great and unique. I think most of their pieces are worth the value and it is my go-to place for finding a unique dress to wear to a friend’s wedding, or accessories I can’t find anywhere else.

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That being said, their clothing is definitely on the pricey side so I love finding things on sale. They add stuff all the time and I was so excited to see this fun mixed up pattern dress and boho woven hat. I also snagged these retro Dr. Scholl’s- esque slides and loved them in red so much that I ordered them in tan just the other day. This look is on sale now so if you love it as much as I do, check it out!

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The dress is super flirty with a backless style that looks like a low skirt and crop top from behind and it ties in the front.

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The dress comes in two colors you can see here, and the shoes are available in red, tan and navy. Finish any outfit off with this hat or something similar.  What are some of your favorite shops that never disappoint?

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