Tag: fashion

My February Favorites

My February Favorites

Another month of the New Year has passed which means I’m two months into my New Year’s resolution and can only buy one thing a month. Take a look for the 6 Things I wanted this February and the 1 item I got.

5 Summer to Fall Transitional Wardrobe Staples

5 Summer to Fall Transitional Wardrobe Staples

Summer is over, but it’s not quite Fall. Check out this post for 5 of my top Summer to Fall transitional wardrobe items. See how I’m wearing my favorite summer buys for cooler weather.

Summer Style: Easy Rider Vibes

Summer Style: Easy Rider Vibes

When I saw this jacket in Zara as I was making a few returns I knew I had to have it. I needed the fringe and the faux suede to join my summer wardrobe. If it ever gets cool enough to actually need a jacket this summer, I figured this would be the perfect one. The neutral cream color goes with just about anything from dresses to a causal t-shirt and jeans. The fringe adds just enough funk to liven up my wardrobe and keep up with trends, while still feeling authentic to my love for 60s/70’s fashion. Plus, it works perfectly with my go-to pose of holding my arms up to showcase my favorite part of most outfits; exotic sleeves. I don’t know if Michael will spend more time making fun of my lack of poses or calling me Easy Rider, but I’m keeping the jacket either way.





Shop the jacket here.