Hibiscus Flowers, Mom, and Little Moments

Hibiscus Flowers, Mom, and Little Moments

Hibiscus bushes have been growing all over San Juan lately and I love it. I remember when I would only really see them growing around Hawaii every year that I visited, so it brings a tropical nostalgia to mind every time I drive by them. There’s about a dozen bushes growing along the freeway divider that separates the 4 lane road across the street from my grandparent’s ranch and the 5 freeway on the other side. I see them everyday when I drive to and from work and I’ve been wanting to pick some for the longest time. Last week, my mom offered to run across the road with me to get some and made fun of me for thinking it was such a treacherous task. We made it across to the bushes and picked a few to take home before discovering they were covered with ants. With ants crawling down our hands we ran back across and shook them off so I could take some pictures of the beautiful details. Thanks, mom!

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