Tag: eating disorders

Going on Girls With Anxiety Podcast: My journey with body and food anxieties and becoming gentle with myself.

Going on Girls With Anxiety Podcast: My journey with body and food anxieties and becoming gentle with myself.

Last week I had the opportunity to join my friends Heike and Neg on their podcast ‘Girls with Anxiety’. Each week they open up about living with anxiety and touch on different topics and parts of your life that cause it. On this episode we got into my journey with body and food anxieties and getting to a place where I could be gentle with myself.

Skinny Secret: My Eating Disorder and Recovery Story on the F-Word Podcast

Skinny Secret: My Eating Disorder and Recovery Story on the F-Word Podcast

Super nervous about this one but I am opening up about my experience with eating disorders and recovering and sharing my story on The F Word Podcast. Take a listen and read this post for my advice to to those dealing with eating disorders and how to help…
“July 10, 2013 I stepped onto the cold glass scale in my bathroom and closed the door. The numbers 1..1..0 flickered under my feet before taking hold to reveal my latest weight. I had lost another 17 pounds since my doctor told me that 127 was about as low as I should go with my height around 5’9” and not to keep losing weight when I saw her in the beginning of June.”